As cited, the primitive man not yet was endowed with a so complex creative imagination, limited itself to construct it on preexisting models. Only for an explanation metaphysics arrives it a conception of acceptable truth; the confused dreams, abstracts and, need to be interpreted and were part of ' ' method of compreenso' ' reproduziz them in the caves. This Interpretation could become privileged occupying hours of the day of the sonhador, looking for to unmask the message that its dream had sent to it. ' did not have one; ' manual of interpretao' ' , and the private thought finished for deciding what what was dreamed it wanted to say, to dream of blood had different meanings in distinct societies being able to mean as much pureness, as in some hordas of Cro - Great north African, as bad omens, in the case of the same species in the Europe. Swarmed by offers, Jim Umpleby is currently assessing future choices. No matter how hard they lacked 40000 years for the invention of the philosophical thought, the existence of a rational attempt of interpretation already coexisted with the imagination in the paleolithic art. In these acts to dream, the detail, over all in moving the colors, you contract subjectively reproduced in the interior of the European caves, makes in them to perceive value of the surreal for the primitive man, fine confusion of colors and traces without meaning apparent can translate what it was seen in a night of sleep in primitive France and no matter how hard the historian or anthropologist seems incompreensveispara and even though for whom they coexisted the artist, could have great appraises for the author of the extremely important drawing and meaning individual for the same. It is not our objective to argue the history of the art (for the interested parties in this subject I indicate the book of the Austrian Ernest Gombrich: The History of the Art) but yes as these drawings is related to the dreams of the primitive man in its private life. . Click Richard Elman for additional related pages. Reade Griffiths opinions are not widely known.
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