One perceives that, until here, organization and company came being used as words sinnimas, but is good for detaching that the principles and methods for formularization and application of Politics and Strategies are not exclusive of the companies. 4 BASIC NECESSITIES OF the HUMAN BEING Ahead of the necessity of improvement of the motivation of the employees, appeared the central question of this work that inhabits in emphasizing the boarding of strategies that assist the motivation of the same ones, through subjects and subjects related with the quality of services, attendance to the citizens, improvement of the relation with the users of services, the identification of problems and causes, etc. On the subject, clarifies Chiavenato: The man is considered an animal endowed with necessities that if alternate or if they succeed joint separately or. The necessities motivate the behavior of the people giving to them direction and content. Throughout its life, the man evolves for three levels of motivation: to the measure that grows and ripens, he exceeds the levels lowest and he develops necessities of higher levels.
(...) The three levels of motivation correspond to the physiological, psychological necessities and of auto-accomplishment. (CHIAVENATO, 2004, P. 97). So that it has motivation of the employees of a Company is necessary that all work in team, detecting errors, curing difficulties, looking for to have a friendship climate and respect between the colleagues is, therefore primordial task of the sector of Human resources that will offer lectures, courses and a pleasant environment where all are felt and satisfaction and joy work well with. All this application of necessary strategies consists of preparing the people for this process of organizacionais changes, placing them as the main agents of action to be developed. Many times if become difficult this change due to the questioning of the old and authoritarian paradigms of work in the public sector. One knows that it is necessary to develop concepts and practical capable to characterize the form as the professionals carry through its specific activities.
It is important also that a diagnosis of the qualifications of the same ones with the objective is made to structuralize the resume of these professionals who carry through specific activities and that they demand continuum specialization. With the ready diagnosis it is possible to define contents, techniques, duration/horria load, organization of the groups, form of invocation, among others operational and logistic aspects for the process of application of the strategies. It is essential to structuralize one politics of professional qualification to the light of the strategical definitions of the organizations. When supplying and customers are questioned by the administration on the aimings and improvements to be taken in the Company and to see that its suggestions are being valued in the Company where together they work employee, customers and suppliers and other collaborators of the Company will make the possible one so that this grows. One perceives that the participativa administration makes with that all the involved ones deem its quota of participation, has confidence between the collaborators therefore makes with that each collaborator is responsible for its proper performance in the company. The objective of a participativa organization is to stimulate ideas of all the collaborators, observing advantages and disadvantages of the participativa administration, partilhando decisions that affect the company. On as to keep the system of efficient and always efficient Management of People, one more time we will see what in Chiavenato says to them: one becomes necessary to avaiar it and to auditar it continuously to improve its functioning. The RH evaluation? or RH auditorship? it is a revision
(...) The three levels of motivation correspond to the physiological, psychological necessities and of auto-accomplishment. (CHIAVENATO, 2004, P. 97). So that it has motivation of the employees of a Company is necessary that all work in team, detecting errors, curing difficulties, looking for to have a friendship climate and respect between the colleagues is, therefore primordial task of the sector of Human resources that will offer lectures, courses and a pleasant environment where all are felt and satisfaction and joy work well with. All this application of necessary strategies consists of preparing the people for this process of organizacionais changes, placing them as the main agents of action to be developed. Many times if become difficult this change due to the questioning of the old and authoritarian paradigms of work in the public sector. One knows that it is necessary to develop concepts and practical capable to characterize the form as the professionals carry through its specific activities.
It is important also that a diagnosis of the qualifications of the same ones with the objective is made to structuralize the resume of these professionals who carry through specific activities and that they demand continuum specialization. With the ready diagnosis it is possible to define contents, techniques, duration/horria load, organization of the groups, form of invocation, among others operational and logistic aspects for the process of application of the strategies. It is essential to structuralize one politics of professional qualification to the light of the strategical definitions of the organizations. When supplying and customers are questioned by the administration on the aimings and improvements to be taken in the Company and to see that its suggestions are being valued in the Company where together they work employee, customers and suppliers and other collaborators of the Company will make the possible one so that this grows. One perceives that the participativa administration makes with that all the involved ones deem its quota of participation, has confidence between the collaborators therefore makes with that each collaborator is responsible for its proper performance in the company. The objective of a participativa organization is to stimulate ideas of all the collaborators, observing advantages and disadvantages of the participativa administration, partilhando decisions that affect the company. On as to keep the system of efficient and always efficient Management of People, one more time we will see what in Chiavenato says to them: one becomes necessary to avaiar it and to auditar it continuously to improve its functioning. The RH evaluation? or RH auditorship? it is a revision
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