We have that to add the decurrent difficulties of the inflation, the high tax of demographic growth, of the illiteracy, the unemployment (ostensive or disfarado), of the infanto-youthful work, the chronic hunger, the social illnesses or mass, etc. Under these modifications we cross century XX all and we enter in century XXI. The time is another one and our society continues in constant transformation. However, not yet we obtain exempting in them of the problems that, in turn, make in them to understand better as on institutions to the family necessarily have that to be reached and because today it is said in such a way in ' ' crisis in the family moderna' '. Click Noble Founder for additional related pages. We saw previously as the families had changed its form of if structuralizing.
However, we perceive that the educational institutions disapprove and disdain these different effective forms of family in the current days. They still reflect the thought guarded of our society that, although all ' ' avanos' ' , it considers these ' ' desajustes' ' , or ' ' anormalidades' ' dangerous to the good psychic and moral development of the children. Furter (1970, p.81) affirms that ' ' we have that to accept our historicidade, thus giving the impression to be modern, but, in fact, if continues searching the old values tradicionais' '. On this Oliveira (2002, p.175) in it says that ' to them; ' the approach of the educative institution with the family stirs up to us to rethink it the especificidade of both in the development infantil' '. It complements this affirmation saying that: The speeches are many still on the subject that deal with the family contradictory way, considering it however as a shelter of the child, however as a threat to its full development. In general, such speeches little take in account the economic and social factors that preside over the familiar organization, the division of tasks in the home, time that each member of the family can dedicate the child. .
However, we perceive that the educational institutions disapprove and disdain these different effective forms of family in the current days. They still reflect the thought guarded of our society that, although all ' ' avanos' ' , it considers these ' ' desajustes' ' , or ' ' anormalidades' ' dangerous to the good psychic and moral development of the children. Furter (1970, p.81) affirms that ' ' we have that to accept our historicidade, thus giving the impression to be modern, but, in fact, if continues searching the old values tradicionais' '. On this Oliveira (2002, p.175) in it says that ' to them; ' the approach of the educative institution with the family stirs up to us to rethink it the especificidade of both in the development infantil' '. It complements this affirmation saying that: The speeches are many still on the subject that deal with the family contradictory way, considering it however as a shelter of the child, however as a threat to its full development. In general, such speeches little take in account the economic and social factors that preside over the familiar organization, the division of tasks in the home, time that each member of the family can dedicate the child. .
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