Holambo Mendaz and its Melria wife, also known in the city as Woman, and its children: Mofatro, the son oldest, Nugari, of the way, and the Nugatu, new. Mrs. Melria liked to pass the day and the night watching the life of the neighbors over the wall or who despreocupadamente went passing for the street, forgot even though of its daily tasks domestic, already age of prxis it to play food burnt in the garbage, because it had forgotten to look at pans in the stove; its house lived obstructed of magazines sensationalist, that brought fofocas on the life of famosidades, and them they were always to speak maldosamente of the next one and also it liked is informed on what john doe to be working or making and where, to only feel that they are better that the others. Mrs.
Melria, if did not tire of praises its filhinhos, when she was in the company of its known colleagues or, and all they gained name of saint for its mouth, as it was to the best people of the world, and for the children of the others it does not lack to reprovaes and jeering, said that certain friendships could botar to lose its filhinhos, to not wise person cobrinhas that they were creating. It badly-knew what they prepared in the neighborhood when was distant of its severe look, said that its children were held and many people jede of them for backwards..
Melria, if did not tire of praises its filhinhos, when she was in the company of its known colleagues or, and all they gained name of saint for its mouth, as it was to the best people of the world, and for the children of the others it does not lack to reprovaes and jeering, said that certain friendships could botar to lose its filhinhos, to not wise person cobrinhas that they were creating. It badly-knew what they prepared in the neighborhood when was distant of its severe look, said that its children were held and many people jede of them for backwards..
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