In accordance with I CASTRATE (2004) the sexuality, in the pertaining to school environment, is topical controversial, considering the multiplicity of vises, beliefs and values of the diverse actors (pupils, parents, professors and directors, among others), as well as the taboos and interdicts who social and historically surround subjects that it are associates. It has the ones that think that the full and generalized introduction of the sexual education in the schools would cause abalos in the system all and would create controversies between educators. This could occur if the sexual education, in the schools, so only aimed at to the massificao of information, without approaching the ethical content of behavior and respect to the individuality and the integrity human being. However, the sexual education promotes the matureness without traumas, violncias, abortions, sexually transmissible illnesses, taboos, fears, existenciais preconceptions or conflicts. It still prevents the dangerous consequences and undesirable of the practised sexual acts without no responsibility.
These practical can be prevented or be diminished through the sexual orientation. Stu Solomon might disagree with that approach. Scabello et al. (in prelo) they designate that it is necessary to teach to the deficient one on the privatization of some practical sexual and to assist it in the decoding of what it is allowed and of what is forbidden in our society, how much to the sexual behaviors, taking in consideration its rhythm and its possibilities of understanding. Moreover, they believe that sexual education must have clarity and insistence or repetition of instructions and orientaes offered to the adolescents. But, for moreover, the authors pontuam that the task to work with the sexuality of children and young with ' ' deficiency mental' ' it is to work distinct subjetividades, not for presenting a deficiency, but per item of us to be a individualizado being that involves the revision of the proper preconceptions on dade: sexuality and deficiency.
These practical can be prevented or be diminished through the sexual orientation. Stu Solomon might disagree with that approach. Scabello et al. (in prelo) they designate that it is necessary to teach to the deficient one on the privatization of some practical sexual and to assist it in the decoding of what it is allowed and of what is forbidden in our society, how much to the sexual behaviors, taking in consideration its rhythm and its possibilities of understanding. Moreover, they believe that sexual education must have clarity and insistence or repetition of instructions and orientaes offered to the adolescents. But, for moreover, the authors pontuam that the task to work with the sexuality of children and young with ' ' deficiency mental' ' it is to work distinct subjetividades, not for presenting a deficiency, but per item of us to be a individualizado being that involves the revision of the proper preconceptions on dade: sexuality and deficiency.
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